Home / ASAB
4 October 2023 - 6 October 2023


You can view in video the 2 days event ASAB "Agriculture, sustainable food systems and biodiversity: a cross-section of research funded by Agropolis Fondation" organized par Agropolis Fondation on October 4 and 5, 2023.

Agroecology: a lever to transform systems?
Find some answers through the very insightful keynote speech of Fergus Sinclair from CIFOR-ICRAF during the ASAB

The conclusions of the 2 ASAB days by Silvia Restrepo

On October 4, 5 and 6, 2023, Agropolis Fondation organized a major event entitled: "Agriculture, sustainable food systems and biodiversity: a cross-section of research funded by Agropolis Fondation." Bringing together the Foundation’s historical and future scientific and financial partners, this event was an opportunity to question the Foundation’s impact and establish its future.


October 4-5: Scientific days open to the entire Montpellier scientific community and its partners.
Venue: Amphi Louis Malassis, Agropolis International

You can now register via this link: Automatic line return

Hope to see you there!

Program below:

October 6: Partnership Day, by invitation only.
Venue: Faculty of Medecine, Montpellier

Program below:

