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ethics and quality management

Since 2011, the Foundation has been ISO 9001 certified by AFNOR for all its activities, guaranteeing efficiency, a transparent approach to its partners and beneficiaries and continuous improvement of its actions.

The Foundation’s actions are based on social, environmental and business ethics principles.

The scope of the Foundation’s quality management system covers all its activities in programming, selecting and monitoring research projects. Its ISO 9001 certificate was renewed in spring 2023, with the following wording:

  • Fundraising;
  • Facilitating the emergence of new scientific themes;
  • Programming, designing and launching calls for proposals;
  • Selecting, financing and monitoring projects of scientific excellence;
  • Management of financial resources.

It should be noted that the quality management system does not apply to the following requirements:
- chapter 8.3 Design and development of products and services, as the Foundation does not carry out these activities
- chapter 7.1.5. Resources for monitoring and measurement, as the Foundation does not use any measuring or monitoring equipment requiring verification or calibration.

The seven social principles considered refer to the standards defined by the International Labour Organization:

  • The effective abolition of child labour
  • The elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour
  • The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
  • Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
  • Safety and health at work
  • Respect of working time
  • Equal pay

The environnemental principles focus on the following points:

  • The preservation of natural resources:
    • Production: reducing energy consumption and developing the use of renewable energies
    • Transport: reducing fuel consumption
    • Water: reducing water consumption
  • Chemicals: reducing the use of chemicals and fertilisers, and banning the use of chemicals and fertilisers that are harmful to consumer health
  • Climate change and greenhouse gases: working on a tool to measure direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions
  • Environmental management: measuring and monitoring environmental risks, measuring transported, imported and hazardous waste, implementing an environmental management strategy recognised by the national and international authorities
  • Compliance with the best ethical, moral and good practice standards
  • Compliance with all legal and contractual obligations relating to activities
  • Non-acceptance of practices (including by omission) that are illegal or violate such obligations


Carine Karailiev

Mylène Aycard-Gueydan
Secretary General
