Home / All Projects / Projects / International Meeting "FAMILY FARMING AND RESEARCH



The International Encounters allowed to share current information and analysis on the state and trends of family farming, to inform decision and policy makers and the wider public. The aim was to foster the inclusion of family farming and to ensure the relevance of innovation and research programmes in development agendas dealing with family farming and the multiple challenges arising at local, regional and global levels (in society, economics, food security, urbanization, human mobility and migrations, food and health, climate, ...). The event contributed to identify the required commitments and to launch the collective actions necessary for family farmers to remain economically and socially viable, to alleviate poverty, to sustain the environment, and contribute to food and nutrition security.


Organization of the conference : content elaboration, logistics, participant invitation, management of 100 sponsored participants coming from the south, communication.
Translation, printing and dissemination of the Dossier d’Agropolis "Family Farming".


* Outcomes of the discussions within each working group.
* Highlights for an overall synthesis to be brought as input information to future international
* Information sharing and breaking news during workshops and plenary sessions.
* Enhanced contacts between participants of diverse professional and geographical origins.
* Dissemination of information on the expertise of the scientific community of Agropolis in agricultural
research on family farming through the thematic Dossiers d’Agropolis


A complete document collecting lessons learned and recommendations stemming from the various exchanges during the workshops will be widely disseminated. The prepared orientation papers stated the main challenges and dynamics of family farming for every chosen topic, and gave rise to questions that research should address. Furthermore, a short declaration synthesizing the progress during the event will be proposed at the signature of the participating institutions in the coming weeks; this declaration will be presented in Rome at the end of October, 2014 within the framework of the FAO global dialogue. These various results will also contribute to the ambitions of the IYFF, the conclusions of which will be presented at the end of the year, to the preparation of the 3rd Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD3), and to the Conference of Parties at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) to be held in Paris in 2015.

  • Project Number
  • Call for project
  • Start date :
    30 January 2014
  • Closing date :
    15 July 2014
  • Research units in the network
Scientific partners: