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17 September 2024

ONE PLANET FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME: video clip of European supervisor Dr Rossana Henriques’ mission to Togo

The One Planet Fellowship Programme aims to create a dynamic, highly connected and intergenerational network of African and European scientific leaders capable of conducting cutting-edge research aimed at helping small-scale African farmers adapt to climate change. Agropolis Fondation has already enabled 50 laureates, young African researchers, to undergo advanced scientific training (AST) in the European laboratory of their choice, for 3 to 6 months. The European supervisors were then invited to carry out a return mission to Africa, in the laureate’s country.

After spending several months as a visiting scientist at University College Cork in Ireland, the laureate Kossi Lorimpo Adjah, from Togo, welcomed in turn his European supervisor, Dr Rossana Henriques, Senior Lecturer in Plant Genetics, for an exploratory visit to his research institution, the University of Lomé in Togo.

During his AST in Ireland, Kossi carried out research on the genetic and physiological characterization of selected West African rice species under water stress. He also conducted the RNA sequencing of certain genotypes and quantified the transcripts abundance of some selected drought-tolerant genes.

We invite you to watch the testimony of one European supervisor in the institution of her young laureate.

Through this type of exchange, the One Planet programme aims to strengthen North-South and South-North collaboration between institutions and scientists of all generations involved in climate change research.

Well done to Kossi and Rossana, who have taken the One Planet programme seriously and with great enthusiasm !

The One Planet Fellowship program is implemented by AWARD and Agropolis Fondation. It is co-financed by the European Commission, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the BNP Paribas Foundation and the IDRC.

More about OPFP


Activités OPFP en Europe :
Ly Yann Kauv & Camille Rannou

Coordinator & Project officer OPFP, Agropolis Fondation, Montpellier, France

OPFP activities in Africa
Michèle Mbo’o-Tchouawou

Deputy director, AWARD
Nairobi, Kenya